Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

69. Dan Republike

Today is the 69th anniversary of the founding of the SFRJ, socialist federation of the republics of Jugoslavia. Some pictures of the place it happened on 29.November 1943. Jajce, a small central-bosnian town. Known for its waterfalls and mills at river Pliva. River Pliva is going with a waterfall in river Vrbas at the towns gates.
The museum (muzej drugog zasjedanja AVNOJa) was renovated and reopened some 2-3 years ago.
Pictures were taken in Maj 2011, except the second panorama of town, December 2008.

Mittwoch, 21. November 2012

Sailor in Pula

2 years ago, i was in Pula, i saw that they removed the monument of the partisan sailor in front of the roman arena. I was already a little sad. This year, i was surprised to see him standing again. But, i realised, that his whole right arm got changed.

When i saw him the first time in 2007, standing on the right side of the sculpture, i could see his hand, showing three fingers. Now, 2012 standing in the same position, hes showing a whole hand.

upper picture was taken in july 2007
the picture below in september 2012

Montag, 19. November 2012

Kosovo again

Back from a 9 day trip to Kosovo. Had exhibitions in Priština and Gračanica. Met very nice new and old friends ! 9 days is too short ! And with a flight it seems a kind of unreal. Anyway, was coming a little around. And hope to go there soon again ! Here some impressions.

Sonntag, 18. November 2012

R.I.P. spomenik na Karagaču

I just came back from a one week trip to Kosovo. They told me that the socialistic monument in Peje / Peć was destroyed. So i was lucky i saw and photographed it last year. That time i was already wondering to find it still standing. The bronze letters with the names of 250 partisan fighters were already gone and the statue itself a little damaged. But as whole it was still good looking.

Soon the main monument in Prishtine / Priština will also disappear .. because of a garage .....

Skulpturna kompozicija u aluminijumu i betonu 
spomenik na Karagaču. Otkrivena 1972. godine. Vajar. Ante Gržetić. Arhitekt M. Momčilović. Na granitnim belezima su imena dve stotine pedeset poginulih Boraca Pećana.

spomenici nob i revolucije sr srbije 1941-1945.
turisticki savez sr srbije 1981